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Become a Friend of the Jackson County Public Library
Your time and talents can have a profound impact on our library and community.

Annual Membership Fees
$10 Students & Seniors
$15 Individual
$25 Family
$50 Sponsor
$100 Benefactor
$250 Patron
$500 Lifetime Individual

Benefits of Being a Friend of the Library
Contribute to a better library
Enjoy access to “Members Only” events and bookstore sales
Learn of opportunities to support the library
Have the opportunity to vote at the annual meeting
Receive advance notice of upcoming events.
- Most importantly, by becoming a member, you can take satisfaction in knowing you are helping spread the joy of reading, learning, and supporting library programs.
Why Our Library Needs Friends
Friends help
Pay for computers, staff training, and technology infrastructure to serve residents who don’t have access to the internet at home or work
Provide programming that is not otherwise funded in the library’s budget
The community understand the library’s importance and services
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