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Become a Friend of the Jackson County Public Library

Your time and talents can have a profound impact on our library and community. 

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Annual Membership Fees

$10 Students & Seniors

$15 Individual

$25 Family

$50 Sponsor

$100 Benefactor

$250 Patron

$500 Lifetime Individual

Join today!

Is this a renewal or new membership?
Type of Membership

Contact Information


Benefits of Being a Friend of the Library

  • Contribute to a better library

  • Enjoy access to “Members Only” events and bookstore sales

  • Learn of opportunities to support the library

  • Have the opportunity to vote at the annual meeting

  • Receive advance notice of upcoming events.

  • Most importantly, by becoming a member, you can take satisfaction in knowing you are helping spread the joy of reading, learning, and supporting library programs.

Why Our Library Needs Friends

Friends help

  • Pay for computers, staff training, and technology infrastructure to serve residents who don’t have access to the internet at home or work

  • Provide programming that is not otherwise funded in the library’s budget

  • The community understand the library’s importance and services

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